To get access to the instruments you need to complete instrument specific training by the plattform staff. It is not allowed to use the diffractometers without having signed the Download safety regulation sheet (PDF, 62 KB). Training by one of your experienced colleagues is not sufficient.

You are not allowed to enter the X-ray labs in the E floor without having a dosimeter with you. Dosimeters are not required in the G floor labs. Please return the dosimeters to the storage box immediately after you have finished your experiments. Don't take the dosimeter outside the building (e.g. mensa) or to other labs. It is strictly forbidden to expose the dosimeters to the X-ray beam on purpose.

No, for using the X-ray platform infrastructure protected page fees are charged.

Yes, the X-ray platform is open for external users within or outside ETH, but special restrictions and user fees will apply. 

You can book the diffractometers via the ETH Outlook Web App. After login go to Public folders (bottom left of the page) -> D-MATL -> crystal -> Reservations -> Equipments and select the instrument you want to use. Enter your name and the name of your group. Please cancel not required booking as soon as possible, otherwise you will be charged for the full booking period. Canceling reservations a-posteriori is not allowed.

The slot from 9 am - 10 am is reserved for quick checks and counts as 1/8 of a full instrument day. Full day booking means from 10 am - 9 am next morning. Slots from 10 am - 1 pm, 1 pm - 5pm or full night shifts from 5 pm - 9 am count as half instrument days. If the quick-check slot was not booked until 5 pm the day before, full-day and half-day morning bookings also cover the quick-check slot. If a diffractometer was booked for several days by a single user please get in contact with this person before you reserve the quick-check slot.

Special rules may apply in the case of over-booked instruments. More relaxed rules apply in the case of obviously under-booked instruments. Please ask for further details.

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